Your Hill Country Real Estate Blog
The areas best source for up to date news and real estate information

Sellers-Don't chase the market!
Let's face it-we all want as much money for our house as possible when the…

Contingent Offers-should you consider?
In a perfect world, of course every seller would prefer a clean, full price offer…

Do Open Houses Work?
Years ago, before the internet, open houses were an important part of marketing a home.…

Why Real Estate Flat Fees Just Makes …
Joe sells his house for $500,000 and Mary, a home owner in a nearby neighborhood,…

Flat Fee's are the future of real …
Let's be honest...with all of the real estate online portals, free flowing information (homes for…

Does the size of your Realtor's office …
I have a question for anyone considering selling their home: What is more important to…

7 Home Reno's That Will Increase Your …
You want to make the most money possible when it comes time to sell your…

Should I Rent or Buy a Home?
Choosing whether to rent or own a home is not an easy decision. It requires…