Your Hill Country Real Estate Blog
The areas best source for up to date news and real estate information

It's All About The Net!
If you are selling your home or thinking about selling your home, I have a…

What I like about the Texas Hill …
Admittedly, I am not a native Texan. I wasn't born here and I don't have…

Chipper Jones was one of the best
As some of you may know, I am a baseball fan. Chipper Jones was arguably…

6% listings can be harder to sell
Let's be real honest here, 99% of real estate deals come down to price. Sure,…

We Offer 4 Flat Fee Options
At Hill Country Flat Fee Realty, we are all about saving home owners a significant…

Beware of the trend of cash offers …
Ok, so this post is not related to my previous post about the pros &…

The Pros & Cons of a Cash …
I realize what you may be thinking..."Can there really be any cons associated with a…

Spring (selling season) is around the corner!
It's amazing...every year I see a trend in real estate that I have concluded cannot…